by Carolyn Bazik | Mar 27, 2018 | Blog, Uncategorized
To view the video, click here. Parents – we play an important role with our teens waiting to have sex until they are ready. We understand the social pressure and reasons why teens choose to have sex or practice abstinence. We can help our teens by setting...
by Carolyn Bazik | Mar 20, 2018 | Blog, Uncategorized
Everyone deserves healthy relationships. The problem is that while we’ve all felt love, we’re never taught HOW to love. So on Valentine’s Day, JoinOneLove set out to surprise people by showing them what it really means to #LoveBetter. You can take the pledge to...
by Carolyn Bazik | Mar 19, 2018 | In The News
The common language among these four topics is numbers. At BTM, we wear our numbers on the back of our T-shirts: #40by2022. Translation: The members of BTM are committed to reducing teen pregnancy in Berks County by 40% by 2022. PALO, March...
by Carolyn Bazik | Mar 14, 2018 | Blog
Sharon Rossignoli has seen a lot in her over 30 years as the District Coordinator and Manager for the “Pregnant and Parenting Teen” program at Reading High School. As a board member of the Berks Teens Matter Leadership Committee, Sharon shares her first-hand...
by Carolyn Bazik | Mar 9, 2018 | Blog
The Implant is a very effective way to prevent pregnancy. Learn more about Implants because “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Plan your future. The implant is a matchstick-sized rod that goes under the skin of your upper arm. It prevents pregnancy by...
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