Podcast: Meet the Program Manager
On this week's podcast, listeners will meet Dr. Jen May, BTM's Program Manager. Jen has an interesting story and we're excited to share it with you! Her story includes growing up in York, PA, an interest in human sexuality, three kids and so much more. Click below to...
Welcome to the Podcast!
We're excited to announce the launch of our podcast series! Our very first episode is an introduction to BTM with Dr. Jen May. This episode focuses on the beginning of BTM, when it was just a workgroup, through today. Listeners will learn why Berks County needed a...
In the beginning, there was a Workgroup…
Hi! My name is Sheila Bressler and I am the Berks County Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP) Coordinator. Part of my job here at the County of Berks involves identifying unmet needs in the community for children, youth and families and then making...
Medicine in the News
Lee Radosh talks with Nadine Smet-Weiss about Berks Teens Matter and preventing teen pregnancy. https://youtu.be/xapCD_KARI0
Get to know…Joe!
Oftentimes, it's hard to feel that you can make a difference in life. There are over 7 billion people on our planet; only a select few will become Presidents, billionaires, or celebrities. Subsequently, it's easy to feel relatively powerless against whatever issue...
Welcome to the BTM Blog
Welcome to the blog! We're glad you found us and are excited to share with you insights, advice, and thoughts from all of the people who have come together with a single mission: to reduce teen pregnancy in Berks County by 40% by the year 2022. Why 40%? Because that...
Get to Know…Lindsey!
My name is Lindsey Zimmerman and I am a Berks Teens Matter Ambassador! I joined the organization because it has such an amazing goal and they are willing to listen to the teens. Our goal is to reduce teen pregnancy in Berks county for the overall welfare of the...
Power of the Purse Gives $31,000 to Two Organizations Helping Berks County Young Women
Two Berks County organizations that empower girls have received $31,000 in grants thanks to the donations of 33 local women. The Power of the Purse in Berks County Fund at Berks County Community Foundation is awarding $18,000 to Co-County Wellness Services for its...
Berks Community Health Center Presents
Find out about Berks Teens Matter with Jen May, Ed.D and Mary Ellen Maher-Harkins on this episode of Berks Community Health Center Presents. https://youtu.be/jxGrIxBvxuk
Teen Pregnancy Costs Taxpayers
Taxpayers in Pennsylvania feel the brunt of teen pregnancy, paying more than $18 million in 2012 for public assistance, lost tax revenue and other associated costs, according to Co-County Wellness Services. At a press conference Wednesday in Reading, the agency...
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