More information is coming about how you can get involved with BTM. If you’d like to be informed as opportunities become available, please email Jen May, Project Manager at projectmanager@
For Teens
Let your voice be heard! We’re looking for a few awesome teens to join our Youth Leadership Committee. Members will help steer our program to make sure we’re talking about the things teens want to know. Email us for info!
For Adults
We’ll be attending many community outreach events and would love to have you on our team of volunteers. Parents are also invited to join our Parent Outreach Committee. Email us for info!
For Potential Program Sponsors/Donor
Funds are, of course, a necessity to completing our mission. If your business is interested in funding some of our initiative, email us!
For Like-Minded Organizations
Does postponing teen pregnancy resonate with your organization? Become a supporter of BTM and show your customers and clients that Berks Teens Matter! Email us for info.