Sex Q & A
Find all the answers to your questions about sex, your body, relationships and STD’s.
Sex Ed
All the information you WISH your health teacher would talk about in class.
Plan Your Future
Let’s talk about your future! We’ll help you make a plan and discover the steps to make it happen.
Watch a Video
Tons of videos by teens, about teens, for teens.
Queer kids can also get pregnant, contract an STI, or feel pressure to have sex.
Get Birth Control
Condoms and pills and IUD’s, oh my! Find out which method of birth control is right for you.
of teens have never thought what their life would be like if they got pregnant or caused a pregnancy
of teens plan on getting married
of teens feel sexual pressure
teens aged 13-17 believe that boys are expected to have sex
Survey information provided by The National Campaign by Social Science Research Solutions, an independent research company. More survey information can be found at